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Worship Thought: Get To Know Jesus

About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. - Acts 16:25

Our latest wave of Covid-19 has brought just over four weeks of isolation now. Along with isolation has come depression, anxiety, and apathy. Adding to the pile we find that the lockdown will last until mid-June. Thankfully this world and the hardships in it are not the sum total of our lives. There is something much greater than we can hold on to. Paul and Barnabas in Acts 16:25 are singing hymns while shackled in prison. Even though they were almost as low as you can get in this life, they found a reason to sing praises to God. They understood the good news of Jesus' life and death. They understood that in his death, Jesus made it possible for all of us to experience true life. They knew Jesus. In the same way that they knew Jesus and rested on him no matter how difficult the situation got, we can do the same. As we get complacent and unenthused about life, this is the most important time to pick up the bible and read. To get to know this person that can bring us a peace that passes understanding (Phil 4:6). To get to know Jesus.


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